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Sustainable farming with bees in mind.

We provide a variety of services to Bee keepers, Farmers, Health practitioner , and the general public.

Our services are being developed to provide you with your Bee needs.

  • Retail
  • up coming workshops
    • Equipment Maintenance WorkShop
    • Early spring Yard WorkShop.

    ECF is looking for a new home!

    Wanted Land Wanted for Beekeeping, Breeding and Teaching.

    Shop Space needed

    We need a space to build our portable shop system. We will also be repairing and manufacturing bee equipment. See Wanted Land Wanted .

    The core of our operations is bees. Bee health is our indicator to the health health of the world we live in. Bee pasture influences our choices in crops. Please checkout Feed The Bees for more info.

    We have several urban hives available.

    Put on in your yard. We look after it. You can learn how this system can create an urban beekeeping business. Urban Beekeeping

    The time to save the bees from the neonics is here

    We have found the formula to build stocks again. Primarily it is moving bees from the presence of GMO corn contaminated with neonicitoids.

    We are looking for new yards in Non corn producing areas. Watch for the upcoming workshop this topic under the Fee the bees workshop.

    For details on our needs Wanted Land Wanted .

    Interested in learning how to save the bees Feed The Bees for more info

    We have a few queens in spare if you need them.

    We are buzzy making next year's queens. Draining excess brood will help to control the swarming tendencies. The brood collected is used to create our top nucs. Our operation has several times styles. Single 8 frame, double 5 framers. We try to have one for each main in our operation. Click the workshop link for details.

    Order your queens now click the products link. supplies i?site=Sustainable&page=DairyAndBees' target='_blank'>Bees And Dairy This shows the last few years of beekeeping here in Grindrod. Deling with bees mints, bears and the weather now I have to learn to cope with the dairy industry.

    We are still looking for a a new home. Check the land wanted link for details.


    The On line Stores are a secure sites that requires you create a log in account. Accounts are free and are for the site to know who you are. This is to protect your information. Please click register to create an account. You may use your Apis account information if you like. As with all site hosted on our server your information is confidential and not sold to others sites. For more information on log in accounts please click HelpDesk and search the FAQ for Log in.

    Our honey available at the fallowing locations.

    • Grindrod: Country Stores. On the web.
    • Skye farm Garlic booth Check them out for their market schedule Skye Farm

    View Shanta McBain's profile on LinkedIn

    Last Update June 11, 2016

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